

Thank you Igor

I am visually impaired. I’m unaware of the things going on right in front of my face. I’m only able to hear stories and picture things in my mind to make sense of them, never actually able to see the truth. These truths have always been here; I’m just not able to see them. I’m surrounded by a wealth of knowledge, but I'm unable to understand it. I am blind. 

There is so much to be seen…will I ever experience it again? Some days I struggle with these thoughts of hope. Instead I rely on handouts from the people who pity me, or maybe it’s love, I can’t tell. Miserably sitting on this dusty roadside begging for my survival, I feel so helpless, so hopeless. I despise this blindness! Surely there must be more to this life…

As I listened to the chatter around me, I heard conversations of excitement. “I heard stories about him healing the blind. I heard he could do anything,” they said.

“What’s happening? What’s going on?” I asked with concern, hoping someone would respond.

“He’s here, he’s passing by!” they shouted.

Having a glimpse of hope, I quickly jumped to my feet and yelled, "have mercy on me!" “Shhh, keep quiet,” they said, but I screamed all the more, "Have mercy on me!" I believed He would hear me and He did!

He heard my cry and called me.

Overjoyed I clumsily made my way to him in a hurried gallop, throwing aside my coat, my only possession, what was once the source of my comfort and warmth.

“What do you want me to do for you?”

“I want to see!”

He put his hand on me and said, “receive your sight; your faith has healed you.”

His words were true. Immediately I received my sight. He then asked, “What do you see?”

Shocked I whispered, “I see greed, I see depression, I see insecurity, lust, pride, and anger. And at the root of them all I see fear.”

“Do you understand why you notice these things?”

“Because I've noticed them within me!”

“Those things kept you from seeing clearly. They kept you from moving forward. Because of your faith, you’ve been forgiven.

Blessed are your eyes because they see. Now look at the fields. They are ripe for harvest. I want you to grow in your understanding of love. Put it into practice. Be devoted to one another in love. It must be sincere; your actions must be genuine. Your eyes have been opened…follow me.”

Whenever I have an occurrence of blindness I ask to see. I ask, I seek, I knock, fully believing that at any moment I will be given sight to understand clearly what’s been right in front of me all along. There is so much more to see, to learn and understand. Have faith—we can be healed. —Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight

(Mark 10:46-52 NIV)




"The Life of a Do-Gooder"

Thank you Niran

Relaxed, sitting and “imagining” a life of prosperity, a life of abundance; a life filled with hope and love. Imagining a selfless life, in which my heart is naturally eager to do things to help others. A life that is filled with so many blessings, it’s easy to do what’s good. To find that life…

I was looking for you! "How’d you find me?" I continued to do good! "How did that lead you to me?" No matter what happened to me, my heart would ask the same question. “Can you continue to do good?”

Whenever I was in need, my heart would ask me, “Can you still give? Can you continue to do good?”

Whenever I was in pain, my heart would ask me, “Can you still comfort others? Can you continue to do good?”

Whenever I suffered loss, my heart would ask me, “Can you still be grateful? Can you continue to do good?”

Whenever I was wronged and upset, my heart would ask me, “Can you still forgive? Can you continue to do good?”

Whenever I was treated poorly, my heart would ask me, “Can you still treat them well? Can you continue to do good?”

Whenever days seemed tough, my heart would ask me, “Can you still hope? Can you continue to do good?"

Whenever I was suffering, my heart would ask me, “Can you still be there for your loved ones? Can you continue to do good? Can you still 'be' love? Though you suffer, can you focus on others and continue to do good?”

Sometimes I thought—is this worth it? Then I remembered…

“So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.” (1 Peter 4:19 NIV)

And I realized that through it all, “You,” the life I was searching for, were with me the entire time, speaking true life into my heart, teaching and encouraging me to be an example no matter the circumstances. Having You alone is enough. You are the way and the truth and the life. And I feel as though You found me! Thankful, I will continue to do good.




"The Comfort of Truth"

Thank you Anthony

To those who still believe…in love!

If you have no place to sleep…just "know" that I love you. 

When you get hungry…just "know" that I love you. 

When you get exhausted…just "know" that I love you. 

When you "feel" lost and confused and don't know what to do next…just "know" that I love you. 

When you "feel" all alone…just "know" that I love you. 

When none of your plans "seem" to work out in any way…just "know" that I love you. 

No matter how bad this life "appears…” just "know" that I love you.

I want to prove that what you "know" can outweigh your emotions and help guide the way you "feel." Help guide you to the truth. Help you to "see" things in a new way. 

Though things "appear" one way, I need you to "know" the truth; what could be, what will be, what is. I need you to live by faith. I need you to just "know" that I love you. 

—”For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” (Psalm 100:5 NIV)




"Cali Love…I Remember You"

Thank you Matt

How is it that I’m able to live this way? How is it that I’m able to love this way? I love because you loved me first. “On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.” I remember the many ways you taught me love. I owe it all to you, who I am, who I’m growing to be…I owe it all to you. I remember you.

I remember when I was wayward, doing the things my nature wanted. I failed again and again at doing what I knew to do; at doing what I knew was right by you (sometimes willingly). Yet you showed me love. Like a proud parent watching their child take its first steps, you patiently allowed me to stumble along in my growth. Lovingly watching as those steps turned into a confident stride…I owe it all to you.

I remember when I was arrogant and prideful, puffed up with understanding I thought was gained by my own effort. Pride erased you from my thoughts, celebrating only myself. But you told me about my haughtiness, spinning the images in my mind like a short film until I realized my shame. I was humbled…I owe it all to you.

I remember when I was ignorant, relying on my own so-called “knowledge” to get by. I was unaware of the truth, unaware of proper wisdom. But you allowed for frustration to mount in my thoughts and confusion in my heart. And in your love, you gently showed me the correct way. I know better now…I owe it all to you.

I remember when I was so selfish, caring only about my life and my needs; concerned only with my well-being and happiness. I now recognize my shortsightedness. Because of your love I too share in the pain of others. There’s work to be done, starting first with my own heart. I’m amazed at how far I’ve come…I owe it all to you.

Mostly, I remember that you always seemed more concerned about me than you were about yourself. You loved me genuinely with no fear. Through all of my shortcomings you still loved me. I do admit that I’m still learning how to become more like this, but your love has transformed and inspired me. How different my life is because of your love, how different my actions. Because of you, I’m more confident in my love for others. Who I am, who I’m growing to be…I owe it all to you. I remember you.




"A Moment with Will"

Thank you Chanelle

During the late night of a complicated day I found myself looking for a calm place to rest; rest my mind, rest my feet, rest my heart. I decided to stop at a usual spot for a bite to eat.

In walked a man down on his luck; gripped by the ways of this world, he was in pretty bad shape. He reeked of a terrible odor, limping along in such pain, I could only wonder about his story. 

Looking at me with a joyful smile he came toward me to say hello; a kind gesture for a man who seemed to be in need. Was it from a genuine place, or was he just great at hiding the pain, hoping for love to be returned? He left after the brief introduction, struggling down the stairs with the same limp that he started out with. I departed shortly after.

Noticing the favorable breeze, I decided to take a stroll, enjoying the night air as I walked the long way back to my car. Breathing deeply and looking at the pavement as I paced forward, a figure in a large white shirt caught my eye. Standing at the corner was my new friend from the restaurant, my brother—Will.

Giving him a short wave as I began to walk by, he stopped me to ask a question. Hesitant to voice his request, he then changed his mind and mumbled, “Never mind, you can’t help me.” Aware of the push and pull game he was playing, I decided to bite, “What do you need?” I asked. What’s a little money anyway, was my thought. But money wasn’t his true need. Attracted by my calm demeanor, a heart ruled by the peace of Christ, he asked to walk with me. Showing love by offering a sympathetic ear and a bit of time was something I was happy to do.

I spent time with my brother Will, walking the cool summer night streets before we decided to have a seat on the cramped steps of an empty restaurant. A couple of hours rolled by as I listened to him. He shared his life’s story with me; his ups and downs, his triumphs and challenges. Will also shared with me his talent for rhyming. He could actually rap, who knew! He even shared his faith with me, making room for our conversation to blossom. I knew drugs played their part, but what ultimately led him to this point of despair was still unclear to me. But by now I saw his need, I saw his heart. I wanted to encourage him and fan the flames of hope.

My brother was only thirty nine years old; so much life to live, so much more to give, if only he believed it. Before I left my friend that night, I uttered hopeful words like, “You’re not done yet,” letting him know his journey was far from over. “If we have breath we still have something to do.” Elated he looked at me with the eyes of a six year old on Christmas morning, as if he’d never heard those words before. “You really think so?” he whispered in amazement. Then he asked if I would pray for him.

Our moment in time together ended even better than it started. After a hug from my brother we went our separate ways. Will turned around and in a proud voice shouted out from across the street that he loved me. I too was blessed by the encounter. Grateful for the lesson, I really do understand that it’s more of a blessing to give than to receive.

God was with us. And I did pray for my brother Will that night. I believe he was delivered at that exact moment. I often think, how many other Wills’ are out there? I pray for them all. I pray that whoever reads this will be encouraged to have his or her very own “Will moment.” I pray that this gives us all a better understanding of what love does.

—Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2 NIV)





Thank you Ash

And we parted ways as the evening came to a close, not knowing what the future held. But not before a simple embrace. An embrace filled with genuine love unrealized, one never to be forgotten. I was completely blind-sided by its authenticity, not even realizing my own affection for her. She then followed up with a look of gratitude and admiration. This was the beginning of it all…genesis.

What was created in that moment has had me perplexed ever since. Whenever our eyes meet I see the same admiration, never changing, firm in its position—attributes of honesty. I wonder if this look is only for me, or do others see what I see? Her eyes brimming with hope and love, showing proof of a healthy heart.

There’s a knowing behind her gaze that I cannot deny. I've gotten looks before, but I've never “seen” that one. I've never “felt” that one. I’ve never “known” that one. Thoughts of a lie keep me skeptical, but there is no deception in them. Her eyes speak truth. Do I believe? Her spirit appears to have life. Is it eternal or am I being fooled? Past endeavors make me a bit fearful. Is this real? Why does she torture me?

And how is it that I see her now? I've been given sight by His spirit. She's the right one for me. What have I done to receive this blessing? To receive this gift to see beyond the physical, allowing me the chance to admire her true beauty? A view of her inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. Now I understand why this is of such great worth in God’s sight. His word is true, He is good and He gives freely. Have I finally found favor in my Lord’s eyes?

This sight is beyond feeling comfortable in another’s atmosphere. This sight makes the normal concept of chemistry seem foolish, utterly childlike. This idea of chemistry has been turned on its head for me. What did I know? How childlike are my thoughts! “Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” Helping me put to bed infant notions of knowledge. Great and unsearchable mysteries still leave me feeling ignorant. What else don’t I know Lord?

With this new perspective I realize I don’t know how to care for your precious gift the way that I should. Please teach me Your ways. How priceless, a heart of gold.

My desire is to know more, to see more, to understand. My hope is that more of her will be revealed. My hope is that everything else will fall into place. What a way to start. I was in darkness until that day, void and formless. As You’ve spoken before, You’ve done it again, repeating your process of creation—And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light on us. I see that light is good. May we walk in it as one. As we continue to use our gifts to create, may You be with us, forever lighting the path. Helping us make a life worth reading about, a life worth talking about. With You the future looks bright. This is only the beginning. Genesis…




"Fountain of Youth"

Thank you Tara & Natasha

“So how do I look?” she asked, slowly twirling in front of me. Inquiring about her ensemble with a hopeful look, longing for words of affirmation. Smiling back as I look deeply into her eyes I say, “You’re perfect.” Feeling my sincerity she blushed with a rejuvenated confidence and gently walked out of the room in front of me.

Glad I could put a smile on her face, yet I couldn’t help but wonder if she knew what I was truly referring to. Does she know what I see? Why did she ask me that? I say again, does she know what I see? If she weren’t so wonderfully dressed would she still believe me? I hope she doesn’t test that theory, making her skeptical of anything I’ve ever said in confidence; or maybe it is better that she tests that theory. May it create understanding in her heart of what’s real in mine.

Does she know what I see? Does she know these outer adornments are pitiful, paling in comparison to what I see? I see youth, I see you. It’s the same you I saw in the past, the same you in the pictures from your youth. Yes I know the outer has changed, but the soul is still yours. So concerned with youthful appearances, the funny thing is, the you that I see looks younger by the day. “Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day,” says the author of truth.

Time doesn’t exist to the soul; you are “forever young!” Forty years from now you’ll still be the girl from your youth, only with more wisdom. Others see wrinkles forming, skin sagging and bodies changing, nothing that is seen lasts forever! Defeating gravity, time and old age, you still look the same. So again I ask, does she know what I see? I see truth, I see perfection, I see you.

In our lives perfection seems to be the goal, but perfection in what? I guess that depends on the perspective of the person; pursuit of perfection in looks, in abilities? Sounds like madness, a chasing after the wind. Let our pursuit of perfection be 'in love.'

Immersed in a world afraid of change, seeking for ways to stay youthful, I fear for those who haven’t found what I have. I fear for those who are still open, vulnerable to attacks, those who may be focused on the wrong target. My heart goes out to you. For you are the very reason I write these words.

So is there such a thing as the fountain of youth? Yes, but not for the body, it’s for the soul. I will take care of my soul first, and then my body, which benefits from a healthy heart and soul. In her eyes I have found the fountain of youth. A healthy heart and a healthy soul that demands conditioning everyday, flowing with streams of living water…

Then with a slight grin she asked me, “So, how do I look?” Once more, does she know what I see? Should I just tell her? —Nah. I think it’ll be my little secret. So every time, I’ll respond in the same way, with a simple smile as I look deeply into her eyes…“You’re perfect.”

